“Who Are We?”

Church-Wide Study

Schedule for Part 3

“Who Are We as the People of the Baltimore-Washington Conference”

  April 11th, 2021 – May 16th, 2021

Click the title to go to the material for that week.  These dates are the Sunday that the class will discuss that material.
Week 1 April 11 The Cradle of Methodism
Week 2 April 18 Law and Grace
Week 3 April 25 Our Struggles

Church- Wide Study


A Journey from Head to Heart


Along with many other United Methodist churches in the Baltimore-Washington Conference, we will participate in this church-wide study that will explore the heart of our faith.


October 11-November 15 2020 Who Are We as the People of God?

January 3 – February 7 2021  Who Are We as the People Called Methodists?

April 11- May 16 2021    Who Are We as the People of the Baltimore-Washington Conference?


The T.G.I.S. (Thank God It’s Sunday) Class and the Going Deeper Sunday AM Class will be facilitating this study on Sunday mornings at 10:00AM.   

Pastor Bill will be facilitating a class at 11:00AM


For the zoom link or the dial in phone number to join either of these classes please contact:


ZOOM links can be found in the 411 or by contacting:

T.G.I.S. Class: Dave Meadows dnmeadows@aol.com

Going Deeper Class: Ian Adams  iadams0330@gmail.com
Pastor’s Class: Bill Maisch bill@calvary-mt.airy.org


You do not need to purchase a book to participate in this study. Videos, scripture readings, discussion questions and additional resources can be found here


Want more information? Contact Pastor Bill
The Word of God is our Word, meant to speak to us now and inform our lives and our discipleship. The Word
of God is a breathing expression between Creator and creation, alive and at work with us. What would it
mean for us, as United Methodists, if we presuppose that others love God as much as we do; that others have
dedicated themselves to follow Christ as passionately and faithfully as we have; that others open themselves
to the movement and truth of the Holy Spirit as we do? Might we presuppose that others hold Scripture as
sacred and precious as we do? In these presuppositions, we free ourselves (as much as humanly possible)
from the bondage of judgment, ridicule, superiority, dismissal and disdain. We open ourselves, not to the possibility of losing our faith, but to the possibility of seeing through a different lens and thereby understanding
from another perspective. At the conclusion of this study, we hope that you can have a deeper appreciation
of how others view God and a deeper understanding of your own views. In our view finder, we just might make
out more fully who God is calling us to be as United Methodists and as the Baltimore-Washington Conference
at this particular moment.

You won’t find an exhaustive and definitive study here. You will find a wholehearted attempt to capture frames
of current critical conversations that we need to have as a people of faith. You are invited to bring your
experience to this content as you share with others in your community. Do so knowing that there are fellow
United Methodists throughout the Baltimore-Washington Conference engaging the same material, sharing
their own experiences with one another, and listening attentively to what the Spirit would yet teach us. May
God’s grace be sufficient for the journey ahead. To God be the Glory! Expect to learn something new in your
brave space as you journey through the study using the Who Are We Affirmation. Intentionally set aside
time to meditate on the Scriptures, pray, be in conversation with one another and grow in fellowship with
one another. You will also have an opportunity to interact with 8-12 minutes of video content from several
conversation partners across our connection.

As you approach this study, please keep in mind that there is no one “right way” to engage together. As
your group develops a shared culture, remember that you are taking up a collective lens. Each person’s
contribution brings new opportunities for shared creativity and wisdom. We have included some tools for
creating safe and bold spaces. As a first activity, begin your study with the Who Are We Affirmation and make
modifications as necessary. We have also included guidelines for RESPECTful Communication and Mutual
Invitation (Appendix A) to help maintain a space where each voice is honored. Appendices B, C, and D provide
useful tips for incorporating the study and making it come to life in your group. Stay curious. Even if your
fellow group members are deeply known to you, prepare to be surprised by how God’s grace will show up in
and through each participant. Celebrate that groups across our Conference are affirming the Spirit’s presence
with us in this season through shared study. Your holy conversations as a group are a part of a larger sacred
dialogue. Each time you gather, you contribute to the widening perspective of our faith and the wideness of
God’s mercy alive among us.