Discipleship Pathway


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“Who Are We?” Part 2 Schedule and Information

The Discipleship Pathway is an intentional process for making disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World.


Engaging in the Discipleship Pathway is the way we intentionally participate in our Spiritual Formation (Faith Formation). It is how we develop and grow our faith so that we may be equipped to live as Disciples of Jesus Christ as we seek to engage in service and mission to the world. Throughout this Spiritual Formation process, the Holy Spirit gifts us with transforming us more into the likeness of Christ. 

Participation in Calvary’s Discipleship Pathway is how we remain faithful to our baptismal promises of prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness. Here at Calvary we live faithfully, love deeply, and serve sacrificially as we intentionally take part in the Discipleship Pathway by connecting, learning, and serving together.

Church- Wide Study


A Journey from Head to Heart


Along with many other United Methodist churches in the Baltimore-Washington Conference, we will participate in this church-wide study that will explore the heart of our faith.


October 11-November 15, 2020  Who Are We as the People of God?

January 3 – February 7, 2021  Who Are We as the People Called Methodists?

April 11- May 16, 2021    Who Are We as the People of the Baltimore-Washington Conference?


The T.G.I.S. (Thank God It’s Sunday) Class and the Going Deeper Sunday AM Class will be facilitating this study on Sunday mornings at 10:00AM. For the zoom link or the dial in phone number to join either of these classes please contact:


T.G.I.S. Class: Dave Meadows dnmeadows@aol.com

Going Deeper Class: Ian Adams  iadams0330@gmail.com


You do not need to purchase a book to participate in this study. Videos, scripture readings, discussion questions and additional resources can be found here


If you do not have access to a computer and would like hard copies of the curriculum, please contact us